Dear Friends, Now let us understand some of the media keynotes or terminologies used in media plans for running a successful campaign. As we know in this dynamic world, especially in the digital era things are changing very fast. However, the fundamental approach to media planning and buying has no significant change. So let us understand some basics. I would like to start with some frequently used terminologies and try to be as close as to alphabetical orders etc…


RATING = One percentage point of a specified audience.
GRP = Gross Rating Points, i.e. a sum of accumulated ratings.
REACH = The ad message reached to the targeted person at least once. Reach is always calculated in percentage.
OTS / OTH = Opportunity to See or Opportunity to Hear. The advertiser has given an opportunity to the targeted person with their ad message.
TGP = Target Group Population
TP = Total Population
TARGET AUDIENCE = Number of people or households who are exposed to a medium (Demographic parameters Age, Sex, Income, Nationality).
MHI = Monthly Household Income
CPP = Cost Per Rating Point
CPM / CPT = Cost per Million or Thousands (How much an advertiser need to spend to reach 1000 people?)
SOV = Share of Voice
SOE / SOI = Share of Expenditure / Share in Investment
HUT = Homes using TV (Homes with their TV tuned to any program
SHARE = Participation of audience (viewers) during a specific period
CONTINOUS = Same weight pattern is maintained while scheduling spots/ads.
FLIGHTING = Launch it at a specific upper level and maintain the same level of noise for a period of time.
PULSING / ZIG-ZAG = A frequency of high and low repeated few times.
AD SPEND = Advertising expenditure or invested in the market
ADVERTORIAL = Advertisement feature in an editorial style to force readers to read
AD WEIGHT = The number of advertising messages delivered within a specific period (it could be heavy, medium or one time)
BURST = A short and concentrated advertising campaign
AUDIENCE DUPLICATION = The same ad message is conveyed to the same people through a different medium
AUDIENCE PROFILE = The Characteristics of the people such as age, family size, location, education, income, nationality, gender and other factors
BARTER DEAL = Exchange of good and services without the use of cash but space
CLUTTER = Excessive amount of advertising carried by media vehicles within a specific period
ROI = Return on Investment
COST EFFICIENCY = How efficiently the highest reach is achieved by spending a low amount.
COVERAGE = It refers to geographical reach or coverage of a particular media vehicle
CUMULATIVE REACH = The total number of homes or persons reached by a medium in a specific period.
DAYPART = It is a segment covering the day time, preferably 1000-1600 hours.
AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS = Description of physical characteristics of targetted people includes Sex, Age, Education and Occupation
DIRECT RESPONSE = Exercised during promotional campaigns asking the audience to directly respond to the message via SMS, Post, Telephone, Missed call, email etc…
TYPES OF ADS = Display, Notice, Advertorial, Classifieds etc…
EFFECTIVE REACH/FREQUENCY = This is most important i.e how effectively the message is reached to the TA. The media plan will have a predetermined level of frequency such as 3 or 5 or 7 times etc. The same message to the same audience/person within a specific
CALL FOR ACTION = The advertiser is expecting a response call to their ad message
IMPACT = The extent and degree of consumer awareness of an advertising message within the TA
INSERT = Usually, this operation is done as a loose leaflet attachment in a magazine or daily newspaper as a pre-printed document ISLAND AD = An ad completely surrounded by editorial
MAKE GOOD = It is a compensatory advertisement as a replacement
MARKET SHARE = A product’s share of an industry’s sales volume
MATTER = Editorial contents
AD MATERIAL = Ready to use Advertisement item
MEDIA PENETRATION = The proportion of persons or homes that can physically be exposed to a medium
PSYCHOGRAPHICS = A term that describes consumers or audience members on the basis of some psychological trait, characteristics of behaviour or lifestyle.
READERSHIP = The degree to which same print vehicle/publication has been seen by multiple numbers of people. It is like a shared reading of a single copy.
ROP = Run of Page. The ad may appear anywhere in the publication. Means, it can be specified that it will appear on a particular page or section.
RODP = Run of a daily program on Television and Radio.
PREMIUM PAGE = The page that first attracts more attention of the reader such as front, back, page 3 and centre spread etc… A premium rate to be paid on the base rate.
UPGRADE = A free upgrade of the position or size of an advertisement
SATURATION = A level of advertising weight/reach that overshoots maximum reach level.
INCREMENTAL REACH = Additional reach accumulated by selecting different media vehicles to reach the same TA.
PR = Public Relation, an article or news that is shared with media to inform its readers without paying any cost. (it is a nonpaid media coverage)
TEARSHEETS / VOUCHER COPY = Actual pages of an advertisement that appeared in a publication. Usually, shared with the client as proof of publishing the ad.
TEASER AD = An ad to tease the interest of readers before launching the actual advertisement. Basically to create curiosity.
NICHE MEDIA = A specific medium that covers a segment of an audience; like professional publications catering to Oil and Gas Industry, Aviation etc…
SPILL OVERREACH = Some media are selected in a media plan to cover X market, whereas the same media also having exposure to other markets, such reach is known as Spillover to other market reaches.
MEDIA WASTAGE = The proportion of an advertising campaign does not see or heard by the specified target audience though it was planned to reach them OR a niche product is advertised through a general interest media. In this case, the wastage will be severe!
ZAPPING = To avoid seeing commercial advertisement some people use the remote control device to change the channels as and when Ad break takes place.
AD-BREAK = The designated period of time allocated for commercial advertisements during a TV or Radio or Cinema program.
ROADSHOW = A popular RJ will live broadcast from the client’s venue by inviting his fans to physically present at the venue for a specific purpose such as the launch of a product or opening showroom etc…
CREDIT TITLE = When a brand sponsors a program or a show, the program is announced as this particular program is brought or presented to you by XYZ brand!
OPENING AND CLOSING CREDITS = Almost same as Credit Title but saying either opening or closing the program along with the brand name.
SLOGAN / TAG LINE = A small description next the brand name is pronounced to reveal what it stands for!
SWEEPER = A short pre-recorded message to enhance brand milage
CORRIGENDUM AD = An error that occurred in the published ad of the past is being rectified now as a compensatory ad.
CONSECUTIVE ADS = When running a thematic ad campaign and to grab the attention of readers or viewers, advertiser plans more than one ad after the ad.


GRP = Reach x Frequency
SHARE = Homes or people viewing a particular program / Homes or people using a TV set
SOV = Total Spend of One Brand / Total Spend of Same Product Category
SOVM = Total message length in seconds of a brand / Total message length in seconds of the same product category.
CPM: Audience = Cost x 1000 / Audience or Target Size or Base
CPM: Impression = Cost x 1000 / Gross Impressions or Total number of OTS
HUT = Homes with their TV turned to any program / Total People Owning a TV set in a specific market
CPP = Cost / GRPs
FREQUENCY = Total Duplicate Audience / Total Unduplicated Audience or GRPS / Reach
Compiled by Venkiteswaran (Venky), Dubai.